Meetical Data Center & Outlook Exchange

Data Center Version

A few words about the Server and Data Center version of Meetical. The Server version as been archived in Nov 2022 and is not available anymore. Existing customers get limited support until the end of life in Feb. 2024.

Data Center is fully supported for Microsoft Exchange based customers (and some version of Exchange Online / Microsoft 365). This is the recommended Setup for all companies behind the firewall.

In order to install the Outlook Add-in for Data Center users, follow these steps.

Hybrid Cloud Setup for Google and Microsoft365

The hybrid setup for Confluence Server/DataCenter is no longer available since February 2023. We only offer Full On Prem, or Full Cloud solutions.

Installation Steps

1. Install the Data Center App

Install the Meetical Meetings Data Center App from the Atlassian Marketplace: Meetical Meetings for Confluence Data Center

2. Configure your Microsoft Exchange Server

See on how to set permissions for your Exchange Service account.

Note that you can also use a test account or your own personal outlook account for demo and testing purposes.

You can find the Meetical Configuration in Confluence Settings → Meetical Configuration

Admins need to setup an EWS service account to make Meetical DC work

3. Installing the Confluence Outlook Add-in for Data Center / Exchange users

Please note the Outlook Add-in you find in the official Microsoft Appsource store, is only for Confluence Cloud and not compatible with Data Center.

To install the Outlook Add-in for Data Center users, you need to use the XML file which is generated for you in the Meetical Configuration.

Navigate to the Admin Section of Meetical in your DC instance. Choose “Microsoft Exchange” as the provider. Follow the Setup, by creating and defining a Service Account with access to the calendars of those users you want to make the Outlook-Add-in available for. Then get the XML file (meetical-outlook-add-in.xml) and install the add-in via OWA, Exchange Admin Center, or Power Shell.

Note that for testing and demo purposes you can also use Outlook Web Access to install the Add-in only for your own personal user.

Additional Notes

Features not available on Data Center

Please note, for the DC version, currently two important features are still missing: An internal Calendar and Automation for recurring meetings. Reach out for the current roadmap status. Most other features are similar to Cloud, such as Custom Templates, Parent Pages, and much more.

Availability for Data Center with Microsoft 365 and Google Calendar

Please send us an email in order to help us prfioritize when to ship a full on-premise version of Meetical for Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace.